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3rd June

Puddie and Hector Pups 

Have Arrived!

6 Boys and 4 Girls  

Further info and pics on the next page

We did this breeding in 2014 and the pups were all fab! We had ten pups in all, a complete litter of black and white tuxedo and parti pups. Please have a look at our postings then - Puddie and Hector pups 2014. They all went on to make wonderful family pets and I have added a couple of testimonials about them below. Reservations for this litter being taken now, please contact us for further information.


From ALI:


"We decided to get a Didlington doodle puppy as we needed a dog with an excellent  temperament, as it would be working as a school dog at Ludlow Junior where we both work. We had the choice of two puppies hand picked by Sarah, they both had no shedding  fur (non allergenic) and were calm puppies. We chose Hamish. 



From the very beginning he was fantastic, completely house trained, sleeping through the night and well adjusted. As we have cats Sarah made sure that Hamish spent time with her cat so he was ready to get along with ours. He settled into life at home with us very quickly. Our cats have accepted him into the family and liked to licked by Hamish. He is our first dog so we read up lots before we had him. 


We used an amichien dog trainer to set us on the right road for managing behaviour but as Hamish was pretty calm already we didn't need to put too much into practice. 



At 14 weeks Hamish started going into Ludlow Junior  School to start learning to be a school dog. All the children were very excited to finally meet their new friend. In his first few months  Hamish spent time getting used to the school environment. It  took time for him to get used to the school hall, he found the slippery dark wooden floor quite daunting at first, but by building up his confidence he gradually got used to it, and now happily trots across it. 


Staff, pupils, parents and visitors enjoy Hamish's company. He has a calming effect wherever he goes. Pupils have to ask if they can stroke Hamish so that he is not approached by lots of children all  at once. He visits the top attendance class each week, he attends teachers meetings and even sits in on interviews. Now that he is one year old  he spends most mornings with the Emotional literacy support team working with pupils whilst they are having emotional support sessions. Just by being in the room, the children relax and open up. 


This term a team of children will become Hamish News Hounds  and write  pieces for Hamish's blog on the school website,. He already has 3 videos on you tube. He is becoming a very famous dog. 


Hamish is a calm but sensitive dog. He is aware of everything going on around him.  He likes to watch TV but barks at animals if he sees them, even cartoon ones!  He can sometimes take time to get used to a new environment. At 5 months we took him on a canal boat holiday he took everything in his stride and enjoyed sleeping with us on the boat and exploring the canal paths 




He is a very social dog and loves to play with other dogs, he has lots of doggie friends that he meets at the park in the afternoons. He is submissive when meeting dogs he doesn't know. He is well known in the village for getting older dogs to play who haven't played for years. His favourite game is to get other dogs to chase him with a ball. 


He loves to play rough and tumble with our daughter PJay but he instinctively knows that he cannot do this at school and is always calm with pupils. Our daughter  plays cricket

Hamish seems to understand the cricket boundary and never strays onto the pitch, doesn't chase the ball or greet PJay when she is playing. Clever dog. 


Hamish has been a super addition to our  family and school community". 






Puddie and Hector 


From their last litter




"I have recommended Didlington Doodles to many people in person and online so it is only fitting that I put my thanks and praise into writing. The tagline on the website is "simply the best" and I couldn't agree more, especially about our lovely boy Henry!

Henry is now almost 15 months old and we couldn't be more delighted with him.

We feel he had the best start in life thanks to Sarah and the Didlington Doodles and it shows - he is very calm and polite, gentle with children and we're complimented on his 'doggy manners' on a regular basis. He has a great talent for bringing out the playfulness in other dogs but knows when to give some a wide birth!

Sarah has been extremely helpful with Henry, answering extensive questions and giving great advice before and after we brought him home. Sarah asked us many questions when we first met him and there was no pressure in terms of immediately deciding we would purchase him - you could tell she was adamant that he would only be going to a brilliant home.

Henry settled well when we collected him, I remember us realising he had been with us for two weeks and being amazed because it felt like he had always been part of the family.

He absolutely loves learning and excelled at his puppy classes, so we started puppy agility (low-impact obstacles with clicker training) when he was nine months old and he has come on leaps and bounds ever since. Henry gets so excited when he has worked out a new trick or conquered a 'scary' challenge such as taking the ferry or running through a tunnel for the first time - his tail wags so much his whole back end wiggles and he prances about!

We continue to work on socialising Henry to new experiences, something we did a lot of when he was a young puppy. We walked him on busy roads, past building sites, in the dark, with other dogs, by schools at drop-off time, on trains and buses, to the beach, the list goes on! Once he has decided something is ok he is quite relaxed about it - positivity and lots of encouragement are key.

Henry was brilliant with his toilet training from the start and has never been destructive. We slowly built up the amount of time we could leave him and he is always calm before we leave and after we return, we think he likes the peace and quiet as he rarely has the house to himself!

He rarely barks, especially inside the house, so we knew something was wrong when he started to growl at the door at 5am one morning. The clever boy had spotted three men burgling our car. Police were able to track down and arrest the burglars at a garage nearby, thanks to Henry's timely alert. The garage was filled with other stolen property, which was later reunited with very grateful owners. One policeman called Henry a "little hero"!

I can't describe how much Henry has enriched our lives apart from to say he makes us happy and proud every day. He is loved by both our families and has made so many friends across Bristol.

Henry brings so much joy and we often catch strangers smiling as he does his jaunty walk past them. He loves to clown about and finds it hilarious to get as muddy as possible on walks, especially if he can tempt another dog in too. He is always making us laugh by parading past us with items such as packs of tissues and socks - he tries to sneak them into his bed to hide but his wagging tail always gives the game away.

We are so grateful for our wonderful boy and can't recommend Didlington Doodles enough".




Puddie and Hector




Another Puddie and Hector Pup from 2014



Didlington Doodles

Shropshire/Powys/Hereford Border

United Kingdom



07776 304857
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We have a regularly updated page on Facebook 

Our Page is Called

"Labradoodles, Didlington Doodles"
Instagram by request



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