Quite Simply the Best!
(Well We Think So Anyway!)
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Our next litter is on its way!
Due to arrive on approximately June 3rd of this year (2024)
Mum will be Tiggy and Dad Rupert
The pups will be
Standard Double Doodles
Tiggy is our homebred Labradoodle
Rupert is a parti-coloured GoldenDoodle
This will be Ziggy's first litter and we are very excited about the arrival of these pups
Watch this space....!!
Alaska is also confirmed in pup today (10th May) and is expecting her last litter, Due on approximately 14th June.
She is expecting a large litter we think - 9 maybe 10 Australian x British Medium Sized Labradoodle pups. Dad is Ozzy - Dad to Yoshka's beautiful litter and father of BiBi the puppy we kept.
These too will be SuperPups!!
Do get in touch if you'd like further information about either litter.
Previous Pups
Zita and Tux

Zita and Nantucket 2018
F1B Standard Cockerpoo's - This Was Our First Litter of Cockerpoo's
These pups were much bigger dogs than the Miniature Poodle Cross Cocker Spaniel Cockerpoo's - which is the normal mix. Zita herself is from a Standard Poodle Mum and Show Cocker Dad so is also bigger. The temperament and demeanour of this cross is also different.
We were very excited about this breeding as both Zita and Tux have the most fabulous temperaments, good health testing and both have produced exceptional pups in the past. The pups turned out to be pretty special! We had a fabulous mix of colours - some brown and white parti's, and some solid browns including what we think was a phantom colouring. We didn't have any creams or apricots as Tux doesn't carry these colours.
Our puppies are NOT early spay/neutered although they are only sold as pets and will not be sold for breeding.
There are lots of pics and updates on our dogs and pups on our Facebook page - Labradoodles, Didlington Doodles - so do have a look if interested

This is Jack
who's on his way to
New York!
I think he's
a little bit

This is Lottie
One of Zita and Tux's
F1B Standard Cockerpoo Pups from 2018
She's absolutely Divine!!

Previous Pups

Raff - One of Zita's Pups from 2017

Mabel and Raff in Switzerland - Both Zita Pups

I Would Say Raff Has a 'Wool' Coat!!

Another Zita Pup From 2017
A Clone of Mum!